I've come to the conclusion lately that jobs are a lot like boys. Either you're smack in the middle of the dry spell to end all dry spells or everyone who see you is interested. There's never any middle ground.
So here's the deal - I got laid off last year on February 11th. I can't tell you the actual total number of resumes I set out over the next ten months but I can tell you that between August 1 and December 1 I sent out more than 300. In that time I had two interviews: one for a job I was sure I didn't even want, and one for a job that would have been cool. In the end I didn't get either. I was one in a pool of more than 300 applicants for each. In December I started temping at my old company while a former co-worker was out on short term disability. At the end of the week before last I had an interview for a position in a suburb of the Twin Cities - it's pretty exciting in as much as it's a job. Last Friday I heard that they had liked me a lot and the job was mine if I wanted it. I told the recruiter to give me the weekend to think it over and everything, went back to my desk, worked some more, and roughly half an hour later got invited to interview for a permanent position with my old company. It effin figures. So here's the deal - I really like my old company: the people are awesome, the atmosphere is great, hours are pretty flexible, etc. There's a trend of working WAY TOO MUCH but other than that, it's a great place to work. The job I've been doing for the last too months is excellent. I find it interesting and challenging, and I'm really, really good at it. The permanent position that was open is not doing the same job, but staying in the company would sure make it easier to transition back, should something open up. In the end it was going to take my old company several weeks to make a decision and I couldn't keep the new place waiting that long. So I'll be starting work in the suburbs next week. Huzzah. (Somehow I doubt working there isn't going to make me want to move there any more.)
So I know I promised no more pictures of the old courthouse, but I'll only be working downtown for a few more days, and I'm trying to soak it in. This is a close up of some of the stonework. (In morning light! It actually happened today!) I love the texture and the detail that it adds to the building. I also have a great big soft spot for arches above windows.