Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beautiful People

Okay, now that I've given my inner baseball geek a little time to vent - we're playing the (f*cking) Yankees; this is a very stressful time for me - time for some seriousness. (don't worry, I'm not going to drop a bomb or anything, just bring the geekery down a few notches. I hope.)

Over the weekend I went to the wedding of a friend mine from high school. I'm pretty sure I actually met Eric when I was in seventh grade. Which means I've known him for longer than I'd care to admit (ahem, 14!? years.) We fell out of touch for awhile in my latter years of college, but about a year and a half ago we found one another again. With him came another good friend from high school that I'd lost touch with. (The moral here is I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people - this has to do with laziness and selfishness on my part.) These are relationships I'm really excited (and incredibly lucky) to have again.

So over the weekend Eric got married to Krystal. And they are amazing:

A little bit of hair got in the way there, but I think it's a fairly amazing picture all the same.

I also got to spend most of the evening with Jenny (the other friend from high school) and her fiance, Jon. It just so happens to turn out that they are also an amazing couple.

I mean, seriously. Don't you kind of love them just from that picture? You know you do.

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